

03 June 2008


What. A. Day.

I will not go into details, but it started well, went downhill once I got home, took me to hell, and now I'm flying because of Barack Obama.

He makes me happy.

Yes, we can!

I was thinking last night of all I've seen in my twenty-five years:
Records, tapes, cds, and mp3s.
The birth of the Internet.
September 11th.
Record high gas prices.
Leggings. Twice.
And now THIS: A Democratic primary between a Biracial man and a white woman. And then, my man Obama clinches the number of delegates necessary to win the nomination. Seriously amazing. Even more amazing than the return of the legging. ;)

Anyway, I'm happy about it. Happy birthday to me from the Democratic party!


jessica said...

woohooooooooo!!! history in the making...even though puerto rico went to clinton...it's all good. :)

Frances Joy said...

My favorite part is that he'll be HERE on Thursday. I'm planning on going, but we'll see how packed it is. I feel like his visit is my birthday present. :)