It's been a hot minute. Since the school year began, my life has been entirely too busy for me to blog. Plus, my Internet is down.
I've felt at times that I'm living in a telenovela, but now, a month and some change into the year, I feel like my life is getting back to normal. Or as normal as my lfe can possibly be right now.
I'm busy: six classes (instead of the standard five), Spanish Club, EDGE Club, Gentlemen's Club (the most inappropriately named good idea in the world), church, oh, and the boy.
Yeah, that's right. I've kinda been seeing this guy and I'm enjoying it. Enjoying it very much, actually. Which scares me - of course, right? I mean, I am the commitment phobe. But the nice thing is that it's not that serious, yet. At least not officially. He's busy, I'm busy, but we make time. I see him everyday - not even kidding - and right now, I'm enjoying it.
And maybe it'll cause a little controversy or it'll generate some rumors, but I'm not doing any of this for anyone else. That's the conclusion I'm coming to these days: I. Don't. Care. Maybe you don't like how I do, maybe you don't agree with my politics or you don't like my style or you don't like my Spanglish life: I don't care.
It seems an important lesson to learn now at twenty-five instead of finding myself ten yaers from now still trying to please people, to live up to expectations, to fit into the box that's been put together for me...
I guess I'm not making a whole lot of sense. I'm tired - a little sleep deprived, maybe - and hyped up on the weekend vibe...
On that note, I'm out.
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
1 day ago
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