Week two and I'm making it. Half way to my goal. And then? And then who knows... But I'm making it. Some days are easier than others, but like I said, I'm half-way there.
I made it through the end of the marking period. Tuesday, our work day, the lights went out and stayed out for a good while. They finally came back up, we were told we couldn't turn on the computers until further notice, then the lights went out again. By the time we were allowed back on our computers, we had just over an hour to get grades in. What a mess. As if this time of year weren't stressful enough... I definitely didn't have enough grades for my A2 classes because of all the shuffling and the opening of the new section and all that jazz, but grades are done. Phew...
The workday helped this week go by faster and this coming Monday is Veteran's Day. Two short weeks in a row? I'm not complaining. The week after that is Thanksgiving, and then begins the countdown till Christmas break. Can I tell you how badly I need a vacation? I'm counting the hours till the weekend. Monday will be blissful, I know.
The roommate's out of town, too. She left today and won't be back till Sunday. TIming kinda sucks, but I'll take full advantage of having the apartment to myself. Maybe I'll clean, maybe I'll dance around in my unders while vacuuming, maybe I'll blast Ne-Yo to my heart's content (he's 25, so my crush on him isn't weirding me out anymore).
I realized today what great students I have this year. Yes, 2nd block irks me at times - they really should get their work done PRIOR to class - and I've got a few knuckleheads here and there, but by and large, they're freakin' great kids. I've got a couple who are a bit too open with their crushes (on me), which makes me beyond uncomfortable, but mostly they're entertaining. I love that we can joke around, but still have that level of respect. And I really feel like they're learning, I mean, my 6th block is rocking their accent marks :).
Alright, so I spent money I don't have and treated myself to three fitness DVDs for $25 total, so I'm off to work out.
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
1 day ago
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