

02 June 2008

Voces Inocentes

First off, I don't care what anyone says: I love Alejandra Guzman. She's crazy, dresses like a fool, and could impale someone with those hipbones, but she's written some pretty fantastic stuff. Such a rockstar!

Now, something a bit more substantial:
I was watching Voces inocentes in class this week and last, and was once again struck by the beauty of the priest's words as he stands outside his church, after the attack on the school, after his church has been shot at, after he's been beaten by the soldiers. The whole village is standing outside the doors of the church, and he tells them they won't have Mass that day, but that he'll speak to them there so that those who haven't found faith yet can also hear the Word of God. And what he says there has always been the most amazing thing to me. I wish that I could transmit the whole speech, but this is the part that most gets to me:
"Los escépticos dicen: 'Si Dios existiera, no habría guerras', y yo les contesto que si los hombres obedecieran las leyes de Dios, entonces no habría guerras....Cuando se vive en la gracia de Dios, no existe la guerra.... Es el momento de que alcemos nuestra voz....Ya no basta con rezar."

"The skeptics say, 'if there were a God, there would be no war', and I respond, if men obeyed God's laws, then there would be no wars....When we live in God's grace, wars cease to exist....It's time to raise up our voices.... It's not enough to pray."

Here's the clip, sans subtitles. Fast forward to about 7:57.... Unfortunately it cuts off the very end of the speech, so click on the second video to catch it.

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