

20 February 2008


Things I'm thankful for:
  1. A positive observation
  2. Naps to fight off migraines
  3. The greatness of God (and by great I mean big)
  4. Feeling tiny and insignificant, but in a good way, after seeing the lunar eclipse
  5. The elliptical being down in the basement
  6. The fact that I got my lazy bum out of bed this morning for a twenty-minute session on the elliptical and that I put in a full 70 minutes of exercise while watching AI
  7. My upcoming trip to PR
  8. A body that works
  9. Papa John's thin crust veggie pizza - light on the cheese
  10. Getting in the recommended servings of fruits and veggies in one day (someone should congratulate me)
  11. My family and friends
  12. A possible soccer game on Saturday (I get to play with the boys AGAIN!)

S told me that if I went outside I could see the lunar eclipse, and I kind of didn't want to because it's cold and it snowed (two things I hate). But then I decided I didn't have to sit out there and watch it for hours, so I stepped outside, stood on the porch in my t-shirt and yoga pants, and checked it out.

There is nothing that makes me feel as close to God as the beach, but a lunar eclipse might be close. There's something about the perfection of the natural world that really makes me aware of how vast and how precise God is, at least in my understanding of Him. He's got this whole complicated system worked out - He works it out - and it's beyond me.
I love that feeling of being dwarfed by Someone so wonderful.

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