Ah, time for the sigh of relief. Exams are written. Everything is ready to be turned in tomorrow. Oh, and it's Thursday night. Maybe I'll be able to shake off this insomnia now.
I've been feeling like I'm living in a García Márquez novel - Cien Años de Soledad, to be exact - with the insomnia epidemic; lack of sleep makes everything feel like magical realism.
The good thing is that I've had a lot of time for introspection, something I was kinda needing. Today these lyrics just popped into my head and I couldn't get over how perfect they are for my current situation. They're from one of my favorite songs in the wide world by my favorite band ever, ever.
The song is "Solamente", the band: Fiel a la Vega, and the lyrics are as follows:
"Y la felicidad
A veces me está utópica señor
Como un sueño de Marx
Como una romántica canción
Pero si acercas tus dedos de enmancipación
Y liberas mi sed del dolor del sol
Remojas mis huellas por germinar
Retallas mi rostro sin descifrar
Rellenas mi espacio sin corazón
Y resurges mi idea de redención"
A rough translation:
And happiness
Sometimes seems utopian, Lord
like a Marxist dream
like a romantic song
but if you come closer with your emancipating fingers
and free my thirst from the pain of the sun
you will water my germinating footprints,
restore my undeciphered face,
refill my heartless space,
and restore my idea of redemption.
The lyrics are much too appropriate for me right now. I feel like everything's dancing just beyond my reach, like I have to settle for mediocrity because my standards seem to be more utopian than real-life. And when I talk about mediocrity, I mean in my personal life. I mean that I don't measure up to my own impossible standards.
This is where T's comment about my complejo comes in.
I'm too tired for much more... I'm out
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
1 day ago
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