1. "I Can Still Feel You" by Collin Raye
Loved it when I first heard it, back in the late 90s and it's been in my head for the last few weeks. "I can still feel you just as close as skin/ Every now and then/ All by myself, in a crowded room, or my empty bed..../I thought I'd forget you/ But I guess I forgot to."
2. "Dreaming of You" by Selena
Brings back so many memories. Weren't all of us Latinos in the US Selena fans when this came out? So sad....
3. "I Could Fall in Love" by Selena
Yeah, that's two by Selena. But seriously, I love this one: "I could lose my heart tonight if you don't turn and walk away...."
4. "I Can't Stop Loving You" by Ella Fitzgerald
You know, or anything else by her. Because she's amazing. No one sings like this these days.
5. "El breve espacio en que no estás" by Silvio Rodríguez
I'm a bit of a Silvio junkie - something I inherited from my (conservative, apolitical) father (go figure). It took me forever to narrow down my Silvio picks, but this has always been one of my favorites: "No es perfecta, mas se acerca a lo que yo simplemente soñé."
6. "Con diez años de menos" by Silvio Rodríguez and Pablo Milanés
He really is that brilliant: "Esta mujer me propone que salte y me estrelle, sólo para verle, sólo para amarle, sólo para serle, solo y no olvidarle." My dad and I were always fascinated by those lines. What poets, those two!
7. "Always Be My Baby" by Mariah Carey
The video is important because everyone told me that I looked like the girl in it when it came out. Mariah was so GOOD back then! I'll also admit that I'm a huge fan of the David Cook version, so I'll include that video here. But, seriously, check out the original, because that totally could've been a twelve year old me. ;)
8. "Tal vez es amor" by Chayanne
I remember being in the car with Titi Myrna when this one came on. I must've been about twelve, the cheesiness together with Chayanne's sexiness made it an instant favorite. "No sé decir lo que me gusta de ti, algo me mata pero me hace vivir: tal vez es amor."
9. "Moscas en la casa" by Shakira
This one, or anything else from the "¿Dónde están los ladrones?" album. This was probably the first Shakira song that I fell in love with, though, so I chose it, though I was seriously debating "Ciega Sordomuda" and "Ojos Así".... This was the album that shot her to international stardom, before the crazy curls and the blonde hair. She's so beautiful and young here....
10. "My Boo" by Ghost Town DJs
My sister and I had this one on repeat. It still makes me want to dance.
11. "Always" by Bon Jovi
Stinkin' copyrights.... Check out the original video. I couldn't get enough of it: so much hotness!
12. "Hotstepper" by Ini Kamoze
Even back then I could recognize a hot beat. ;)
13. "More than Words" by Extreme
My favorite of the one-hit wonders. I always remember my cousins singing along to this and saying something like: "zen ju gwouldn't have to say that ju love me, because I'd alreary know..." The "alreary" was my favorite. Aww, but the four of us girls would sit in Liliana's room and play this tape OUT!
14. "Súbete a mi moto" by Menudo
Waaaaaay back. You can't be Puerto Rican and born in the seventies or eighties and not remember Menudo. I had pencils, t-shirts, and all the records (yes, records) which I played non-stop on my Big Bird record player (it was yellow). There's video of me dancing to this classic. Someone should've fired their choreographer, though....
15. "Rush Rush" by Paula Abdul
My favorite Paula Abdul song EVER - this one and "Blowing Kisses in the Wind". Ha, ha. We were huge fans. The reason this video won is for the young Keanu Reeves (those EYES!) and the "Rebel Without a Cause" theme. Major points for any James Dean reference.
Bonus Pick:
"I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me" by Expose
I used to cry listening to this one. How I identified with it at ten, I'll never know, but I loved it....
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
1 day ago
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